Sunday, September 25, 2011

Character Sneak Peak: George

Another character from my story.

Sneak Peak:  George the Jester
George the Jester is a bit taller than the average man.  Sometimes (a lot of the time) he doesn’t bother with his appearance.  His hair under his stereotypical fool’s hat is usually an unroyal mess.  Oftentimes he “forgets” to shave even.  His clothes are nothing special, as he wears normal peasant fashion (besides his unusual headwear).
Much about the court jester is unknown.  His age is unapparent, but he seems to be at least middle-aged, though through his actions he often seems younger and more immature.  Where he came from is also unkown, but most assume he showed up from the streets of Stonewell, where he either was a worker or a beggar.  Others assume he came from a royal family, guessing that was his only way to get into the royal courts.
He has only been in the castle for several years.  The king keeps him around almost as much as he does his advisors, since he adds humour and takes stress out of certain issues.  George can crack a joke or poke fun at about anything in an instant.  Arguing with him is absolutely pointless and hopeless, and usually ends up with the other person unvoluntarily cracking up.  His mischievous and slapstick humour capabilities are sometimes inconcievable.  Yet sometimes in passing sarcasm, the king is shocked in his wisdom and knowledge on certain matters.  Amid his immature face he takes in his “work”, his moral fabric is strong.  He refuses even a drop of any intoxicating beverages,  claming he doesn’t want to cloud his “sharp mind”.
He has become a somewhat close companion to the king, who sometimes even takes him on trips to take the dullness from the long hours of travel.  Yet he keeps his role quite well, making close friendships difficult at times.  He easily maintains his position as the court mascot, keeping on the good side of people easily, though at times his sarcasm might be offensive if taken seriously-- which everybody knows he is not.

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