Sunday, October 18, 2009

Galkin Meetings in Elko

A few days ago... last week, we went to Elko, I beleive the day was Thursday. Arrived there in time to play some games at the youth activity there(some being quite rough, still feel it), then went inside and ate lots of pizza. Then we went up stairs and listened to the message. They did one special music before the sermon then Will Galkin preached on salvation.
Went to the hotel afterwards, went swimming in the pool, got back to the room where most of the guys stayed, and drank MD Voltage and went to sleep after talking amongst ourselves(joking may be a better way of explaining it.)
Woke up the next morning(amazing I know) about 7:00 and went across the street and ate pancakes. Then stayed around the room doing school. Ben, Klay, and I got bored and went outside to the street and started playing instruments for a little while. Ate frozen burritos, oreos, and MD. Watched lame cartoons that played the same thing over and over and over.
Finally we went back to the church a few minutes early. When it was time, they did a youth activity tic-tac-toe thing in the basement, then went up stairs for their "Irish" concert.
We sat in the front row on the right(don't know why people are scared of sitting up front or whatever), and they started playing some Folk songs, then a few traditional Irish, and then they started their concert.
They played "sacred Irish" songs, including "Be Thou My Vision", "O Love Divine", etc etc. Being there, I think, is more enjoyable then simply listening to a disc.
Once the concert was over, Will Galkin stood up and gave a sermon on salvation, and several people made decisions that night.
Afterwards, when people were starting to leave and the group started packing equipment up, Klay, Ben, and I got our instruments out(since the previous night they had invited us to perhaps play with them after the concert) and played some. Most of them were busy taking stuff down, but the accordianist played with us, and Christy Galkin played a little with us too. I didn't do much playing, since Klay mainly doing his bestest fastest gnarlyest playing, which left me to watch(gladly!)
That night stayed at somebody's house from the church, next day ate a little breakfast and made it back home about half-past-ten a.m.

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