Sunday, December 20, 2009


The other day I put my hand in my pocket and found a twenty dollar bill. I concluded I should check my pockets more often.

If it takes about three seconds to put one's hand into his pocket, feel a bill, and pull it out, that would make twenty bills a minute. Sixty minutes exist in an hour, so multiply twenty to sixty, and you come out with 1200 bills an hour. If you work a 40 hour work week, that makes 48,000 bills a week. If you multiply this by 52, which is how many weeks are in a year, you come out with 2,486,000 bills a year. Multiply this number with how much the bills are worth, which in this case is $20, you would make $49,920,000 a year.

But nonetheless I am too lazy to check my pockets that often.

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